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Writer's pictureKuyateh Law Group

Conflicts Upon Death And How To Avoid Them

Biggest Sources of Conflict After a Family Members Death

1. When to sort through belongings

2. Who gets what?

3. What to keep and what to give away

4. Whether to keep or sell a house

5. Money, Money and Money

6. Treatment decisions at end of life

7. Funeral arrangements

8. Family relocating

9. Custody

10. Dealing with different grieving styles

We help you plan things you probably haven't thought about. Here's some tips you can do:

1. While sorting through belongings: some people have thought about what they are going to inherit, and others may need time to sort through the items. Try to make a list on who you would like to have certain item, especially if there is sentiment attached to these items.

2. Who gets what: when there I not a will or even if there has been a will in place, there are often many household items or sentimental items that may not be accounted for

3. What to keep and what to give away: attachment to items can vary from person to person. Some may only see value on item while other may find even the smallest of items sentimental

4. Whether to sell the house: houses can have tremendous sentimental value, making them something many family aren’t in a rush to part with. Houses can also hold great value therefore making them something many family members want to sell and profit from

5. Money, money, money: whether it is collecting money to pay for the funeral or dividing up bank accounts and investments without a will for guidance, money can quickly cause conflict within the family.

6. Treatment discussions at end of life: conflict can begin even before your loved one passes on when families disagree about goals of care, withdrawing support or caregiving responsibilities

7. Funeral arrangements: questions on will they be buried or cremated, where will the service be held, where will they be buried can bring surprising conflict between family members

8. Family relocating: after a passing, it is not uncommon for family members to move, either by choice or necessity. This can split a family apart and be devastating for those feel left behind

9. Custody: when death results in children who must be cared for, conflict can arise around who will get custody of the children if this was not predetermined

10. Dealing with different grieving styles: we all grieve in different ways and on a different timeline.

When people are grieving differently this can be a major source of conflict within families. This is especially common if one family member thinks another is not as impacted by the passing of their loved one.

If you need help avoiding these conflicts in your family, let us help you.

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